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02-25-2023 - New Bouhassira Lab website at".

01-01-2022 - New article article from the Bouhassira and other labs published in Nature Medicine. (2022 Jan;28(1):63-70)."

07-31-2018 - New article with GenPlay project published in Blood Advances".

01-03-2017 - GenPlay has migrated to a new hosting service, please update your bookmarks.

06-14-2016 - New article posted in Projects section.

06-01-2016 - Article in Memory of Ron Nagel pdf

05-05-2015 - New article posted in Projects section.

01-05-2015 - New article posted in Projects section.

09-02-2014 - Check out tutorial on how to visualize all changes between hg19 to hg38 in GenPlay Multi-Genome Bioinformatics paper.

09-02-2014 - New GenPlay application note describing GenPlay multi-genome functions published in Bioinformatics. Access paper here.

06-30-2014 - GenPlay v1.1.0 released. The version 1.1.0 is out. GenPlay can now be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux. Project and track files can be double clicked from a file explorer. Tracks can be dragged and dropped between instances of GenPlay, or between GenPlay and an explorer.

01-09-2014 - GenPlay v996 released. We corrected some bugs and and improved GenPlay performance. Check out the change log for more information.

10-15-2013 - GenPlay v978 released. We corrected some bugs on gene layer operations. Check out the change log for more information.

09-24-2013 - GenPlay v976 released! Multiple bugs on the Multi-Genome module have been corrected! Check out the change log for more information.

08-09-2013 - After almost a year of development, a new revamped version of GenPlay is online! Tracks can now display multiple layers of genome wide data or annotations. The core of the software was completely updated and the data now takes up 2 to 5 times less memory. Loading files is also faster and SAM/BAM files are now supported. Check out the new version (v970). Please help us improve GenPlay by submitting bugs and sending us feedback. Check the change log section of the website for more information about the latest version of GenPlay.

08-06-2012 - Update of the tutorial How to launch a GenPlay jar file with a new section: Launching GenPlay with a file.

Update of the FAQ: I have a Java error when I launch GenPlay, what do I do?

05-17-2012 - New GenPlay WebStart launcher! You can now use the Java Web Start Technology to launch any version of GenPlay!! You can also define the amount of memory you want!

05-17-2012 - GenPlay release v584! Includes a lot of improvements, many changes and fixes a lot of bugs! Check out the change log for more information.

05-14-2012 - New tutorial: How to launch a GenPlay jar file.

05-11-2012 - New Versions page. The previous "Old Versions" page has been replaced by a a new Versions page. It contains the GenPlay change log for a better user experience!

03-29-2012 - GenPlay Multi-Genome. File loader has been improved. GenPlay can now load files with defective lines, which are ignored and reported in a log file.

01-30-2012 - GenPlay Multi-Genome. Many bugs have been fixed. Version is much more stable. Great to visualize results of 1,000 genome projects or your own data.

09-13-2011 - GenPlay Multi-Genome has been incorporated to the standard version of the software. Be aware that the multi-genome functionalities are still under development and might not be totally stable.

06-21-2011 - The jar file for GenPlay-MG did not work on some platform. The bugs have been fixed. GenPlay-Gg should now run on all platforms. We have also improved the tutorial.

06-16-2011 - GenPlay Multi-Genome beta is online. Load in Genplay at the same time files mapped in Hg18 and Hg19 ! Compare directly in GenPlay the genomes recently made available by the 1,000 genomes project!. The beta version is now available. Try it and help us make it better by reporting bugs.

06-08-2011 - Score Repartition Around Start. Look at your data longitudinally ! Version 353 includes promoter pile-up function. Useful to look at average histone modification levels or transcription factor occupancy around transcription start site. Function is quite powerful when combined with the new gene filters.

05-26-2011 - Filters for gene tracks added. Score exon function now works with variable window tracks.

05-23-2011 - GenPlay is now published in Bioinformatics. Please quote us to support further developments!